Commit. Commence. Complete.
When you start something new, you often feel an initial spark of excitement. There is a newfound energy that takes over, encouraging you to see it through, as you envision what it will be like to reach your end goal.
Whether it’s a new diet, class, sport, hobby or project, you start out strong but often fade fast when the newness wears off. You may even question why you began the effort in the first place, especially when progress is slow.
Here are some steps to stay the course:
Commit- make a conscious decision to complete your effort/project/journey. Write yourself a note of why you chose to embark on this endeavor and when you want to complete it. Pull out the note to remind yourself of these things when you feel like abandoning ship. If possible, find someone you trust to help you stay accountable- a friend, partner, mentor or family member. Share your note and ask that they help you honor your commitment through to the end.
Commence- make a plan with realistic deadlines to achieve your effort/project/journey. I recommend setting smaller milestones, as they allow you celebratory moments along the way that will keep you motivated throughout your journey. If you have an accountability buddy, set up regular appointments with them to check in on your progress.
Complete- keep your eye on the finish line. When your enthusiasm dwindles, read your note on what inspired you to take this journey, and then, focus on what it will feel like to fully accomplish your goal. If you have an accountability buddy, ask them to send you encouraging messages as you near the end of your journey. The last pounds, study hours or finishing touches can often be the hardest to tackle wholeheartedly.
It’s okay to give yourself grace and take breaks when needed. Sometimes life comes at us hard. We get derailed from time to time, but do what it takes to get back on track when things settle down.
There is a deep satisfaction in knowing you can do anything you put your mind to once you’ve proven to yourself that you have what it takes to commit, commence and complete.