Declutter your workspace to improve workflow.

Declutter your workspace to improve your workflow.

Did you know that clutter in your workspace can impact your mental health?  It can cause anxiety, make you feel overwhelmed and disrupt your concentration, essentially impeding your workflow.

Why is this? Well, when your desk is cluttered, it sends a signal to your brain that tasks remain unfinished, which when repeated over and over again becomes mentally taxing.  In addition, if your space is unorganized and you aren’t able to find things quickly, you also become anxious as you have difficulty getting into a groove to meet approaching deadlines.

Multiple studies have shown that if you want to have a more focused mental state and process information faster, you should first and foremost clean up your work environment and get organized.  This doesn’t have to be a monstrous exercise. 

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Every 6 months (I usually do in the spring and fall):

  • Categorize your items- get four boxes and mark them “Cash,” “Dash,” “Stash” and “Trash.” Drawer by drawer, cabinet by cabinet… remove everything and sort your items into the four boxes.  “Cash” means you set it aside to sell, donate or return to the office asset pool.  “Dash” means you need quick access to it for daily work.  “Stash” means you need to find a permanent storage location for the item in your workspace.  “Trash” means you take it outside immediately and throw it in the dumpster.

  • Place “Cash” items back in the office pool or in your car to take to a donation center or consignment shop, etc-  “Cash” items should not be left to collect dust in your workspace.  If you don’t remove them now, your likely to never remove them.

  • Place “Dash” items on your desk- your laptop, key fob, planner, writing utensils, headphones, favorite coffee mug, etc.

  • Place “Stash” items into storage solutions- use drawer dividers, hanging files, supply holders, paper sorters, etc. to keep your documents and supplies easily accessible but off your desk.

  • Place “Trash” items directly in a trash receptacle.  Digitize documents when possible.


  • Revisit “Stash” items every 3 months- if you haven’t used them in that amount of time, they probably do not need to be physically kept in your workspace, so it’s time to “cash” or “trash” them.

  • Eliminate digital clutter- digital clutter can be just as mentally taxing as physical clutter.  It is a good practice to review and organize your digital files quarterly (at a minimum) and delete or archive those no longer needed.


  • Start every day with a clean desk- which means, at the end of each day, tidy up your desk.  Put everything back where it belongs, discard or shred items no longer needed and take out your trash if it’s not done for you.

Decluttering doesn’t mean you have to have a sterile environment.  Personalizing your workspace with plants, photos, artwork or mementos can create a warm and inviting atmosphere.  Just be sure they don’t limit your functional workspace or distract you.

By ticking off the decluttering tips above on a regular basis, you will keep your workspace functional and your mind clear, which are both key in improving your workflow and overall productivity.  Give it a try, and let me know if you notice a difference.


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