Minimize distractions at work.
“So, what did you do this weekend?" asks a colleague in the kitchenette, as you refill your coffee mug.
What seems like sweet relief from your intense workload can actually derail your whole day when a quick five-minute break turns into 25 minutes of small talk.
From checking your cell phone to scrolling on social media to people stopping by your office, there are so many pings, pop-ups and drop-ins vying for our attention in the office. Sometimes it seems impossible to focus.
On average, it take 23 minutes for a person to fully regain his or her focus on a task after being distracted. That’s both stressful for the person and costly for the company.
Here are some helpful tips to minimize distractions at work:
Store your phone in a drawer to help you focus on a particular assignment.
Wear noise canceling headphones or play music/white noise to cancel out background conversations.
Schedule designated times to check emails.
Use Instant Messaging for quick questions only and not for conversations.
Let frequent disrupters know that they are distracting you, as they might not even realize it.
Only accept and attend meetings in which you are truly needed.
Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. You can be your own worst distraction when you don’t get enough sleep, exercise or hydration. Avoid the self-sabotage of sugary snacks and heavy lunches that cause afternoon crashes that void all hope of concentration.
The key to minimizing distractions at work is to recognize what is causing the distractions and find solutions to stop them from affecting you. Making a few small adjustments can make a big difference and put you back on the path of productivity and creativity.