Savor the good stuff.

Savor the good stuff.

Recall a good moment you had in the last week or two. 

Perhaps your friend gave you an unexpected gift, your child received an award at camp, your relative made you laugh, your family gathering was a huge hit, or your boss told you that you did an outstanding job on your presentation…

Now, hold on to the good thoughts, emotions and images that come with that recollection.  Soak in how it made you feel for a minute or two.  

This is called savoring. 

You can savor your most recent experiences all the way to your earliest memories.  When you do this repeatedly, over time, you will build up a reel of positive thoughts in your mind that you can pull up at a moment’s notice.

This is especially helpful to do when you are having a bad day, are going through a difficult time or just need a pick me up in the middle of an intense workday.

While you can’t savor for others, you can smile at them.

Try this test:  Smile.  Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard, isn’t it?

Smiling not only can elevate your mood, but it can also change the moods of others for the better. Research suggests that smiles are actually contagious.  Your brain automatically notices and interprets other people's facial expressions—and sometimes, you may even mimic them. That means you might spot someone else's smile and unconsciously smile yourself.

Whether you savor the good stuff or smile more, you will feel lighter, happier and more hopeful.  You will spread positive vibes to others, and bit by bit, day by day, amazing things will happen, not only for you but for those around you.


Acknowledge others’ unseen efforts.


Pause to infuse joy in the journey.