The importance of keeping an open mind.
Being open-minded means being receptive to the ideas and experiences of others. We all come from different backgrounds and have different work experiences. If we truly listen to one another, we can benefit from the lessons learned by others, especially when we find ourselves in similar circumstances.
It’s no wonder that the key to open-mindedness is being a good listener. You don’t have to adopt the other person’s view, but you should at least hear them out and thank them for sharing their perspective.
After listening, take some time to let their viewpoint sit with you and discern within yourself what resonates with you and what doesn’t. It doesn’t have to be “all or nothing.” You might agree with their end goal but not necessarily with their approach to get there.
Start with the common ground you’ve found and explore possibilities from there. If there isn’t common ground, it is perfectly okay to “agree to disagree” and seek help from others if a decision must be reached. In a healthy work environment, both people will remain professional and respectful to one another and will refrain from speaking negatively about one another or each other’s ideas to others.
Now more than ever, we are constantly taking in new information, learning and growing. It is only natural to change our minds on things as a part of that process, and remaining open to new possibilities will not only build our “wisdom file” but will keep us optimistic about our lives and our futures.
So, how do you know if you are open-minded? Ask yourself the following questions:
Are you an active listener?
Do you put yourself in other people’s shoes when considering their perspective?
Are you comfortable having your ideas challenged?
Do you admit when you are wrong and move on?
Are you humble about your own knowledge, experience and expertise?
Do you encourage others to share their thoughts?
Are you curious about things you haven’t done?
Do you push the boundaries you’ve set for yourself?
If you answered “no,” to several of these questions, take some time to consider what adjustments you can make. Here again, it’s not “all or nothing;” make the changes that resonate with you and watch how positively people respond to you.