Flip the script from victim to victor.

Over the course of a day, we experience many bothersome things that can impact our mood.

Let’s say you experienced anger, annoyance and stress today. What triggered those emotions?

Was it leaving the house without your gym clothes because someone moved them? (Anger.) How about the client that canceled on you at the last minute? (Annoyance.) Or, walking through the door and having everyone ask in unison, “What’s for dinner?” (Stress.)

Instead of feeding negative self-talk through your mind like an old movie filmstrip and then wallowing in your own tale of woe, flip the script! View these situations as opportunities to change your narrative, own your actions and create a more positive life. Sure, it’s easier said than done, but seriously, give it a try…

How about packing up and putting your gym clothes in the car at night so they are certain to be there when you need them? What if that cancelled meeting was a blessing in disguise because you truly weren’t prepared for it?- really, you weren’t. And that family dinner chant? Maybe it’s time to have everyone contribute to meal planning and take a turn in the kitchen.

You see, there will always be bothersome things that will weigh on your mind, but the first step to taking real ownership of your life is identifying actionable ways you can improve your circumstances. And, that’s how you move from victim to victor!


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