Move out of your comfort zone and into your growth zone.

Move out of your comfort zone and into your growth zone.

When you operate in your comfort zone, you feel safe and in control.  There is a comfort in your routine and a higher level of predictability in your day.  This can be optimal for periods of rest in your life, however if you stay there too long, growth will stagnate, and boredom will eventually set in. 

Leaving your comfort zone takes courage and trust.  Since you don’t have previous experiences to reference, diving into the unknown can be anxiety provoking. You may even talk yourself out of it.  “There’s no way I can conquer that learning curve right now.”  Or, you may be influenced by others’ opinions, “That’s just a pipe dream, Kristen. Why don’t you keep doing what you’re good at?” Either way, you fail to take the next step and miss out on a growth opportunity.

If you are someone who constantly dips your toe in the waters of change, but never dives in, here are a few ways to start small, so you can build up to taking the next big opportunity.

  • Change your routine- break your pattern of daily activities.  Instead of driving to work the same way, try alternate routes.  Rather than cycle through the same meals in a week, go bold and try something with a new flavor profile.  In time, you’ll get more and more accustomed to changing things up.

  • Pursue creative endeavors- dedicate time to express yourself creatively, be it writing, calligraphy, drawing, pottery, photography, problem-solving, singing, playing music, wood-working, upcycling furniture, cooking, gardening or whatever speaks to you.  These pursuits will train you to overcome perceived risks, eliminate the need for perfection and embrace a growth mindset.

  • Challenge your beliefs- remove the invisible boundaries you’ve set for yourself.  Be open to visiting new places, talking to new people, reading new books, trying new modes of transportation or simply finding new ways to do things.  The more you allow yourself to have these experiences, the more you will grow, broaden your perspective and discover a love for things you could have never imagined.

When you practice breaking through your comfort zone by doing smaller things that are uncomfortable often, over time you will open yourself to new possibilities.  And, when the time comes to dive into something big, you’ll be confident in your ability to get through the fear, learn the necessary skills and reach new heights in work and life.  Only when you move out of your comfort zone and into your growth zone, will you truly realize your aspirations and live out your dreams.


Practice gratitude on the go.


Acknowledge others’ unseen efforts.