The best way to approach an interview.

A significant part of my job is hiring people, which involves interviewing.  I’ve been asked by countless individuals how I’m so successful at hiring the right people and retaining them.  How is it possible for me to know in such a short amount of time, not just if they will work out, but also if they will contribute at a high level over an extended period of time. 

A lot of what I do pertains to company culture fit and comes intuitively to me, however being hounded about my process has forced me to sit down and analyze what I do and why.  I’ve come up with the following advice for those sitting on both sides of the interview table…


  1. Be honest about the opportunity- Do not embellish or make the opportunity out to be something it’s not.  Not only is it deceptive, but it will also destroy trust and drive people out of the organization.  Always describe the opportunity to the best of your knowledge, with the caveat that that things can change, especially in a dynamic business.

  2. Insist on onsite interviews for the final round- it is important to be sitting in proximity to the candidate to fully exchange and process verbal and nonverbal communication.  Nonverbal information can be just as important, if not more important, than verbal information, and it cannot be accurately assessed through a screen or phone call.

  3. Only conduct one-on-one onsite interviews.  I am completely against panel interviews.  They are intimidating.  They allow certain interviewers to dominate, set the tone and create inadvertent bias.  In my opinion, it is impossible for anyone to connect with and assess a candidate in such a setting.

  4. Interview order matters- put the interviewer with the best soft skills in the first interview slot whenever possible.  The majority of candidates arrive in a high state of anxiety.  In this state, it is difficult for them to think rationally and represent themselves authentically.  It is the first interviewer’s job to put the candidate’s mind at ease (“the warmup”) before vetting their competencies (“the workout”) in later interview slots.  I often take on the initial interviewer role for this very reason. 

  5. The initial interview slot should help bring out the best in the candidate- During the first few minutes, I often see the candidate in their most vulnerable state.  To set the tone, I focus on connection and encouragement.  I tell them that they’ve made it this far for a reason, that their job is to be their authentic self as well as to interview us and decide if we are someplace they could see themselves working.  As strange as it sounds, this gives them something to focus on other than trying to answer all the questions “right.”  I then tell them that our job is to see if they are a company culture fit and have the skillset and experience necessary to excel in the role.  Lastly, I leave them with the thought that our ultimate goal is for this to be a long-term, win-win relationship where both parties benefit through growth.  Using this process and my line of behavioral questioning, I learn a great deal about the person’s actions, values, resilience, motivations and social compatibility with members of our team.  It enables me to take in some of the most vital information through words, actions and signals to assess if the candidate will perform well in our organization.

  6. Subsequent interview slots should assess skills and competencies- If I have done my job effectively during the initial time slot, the candidate should be primed to answer the tougher interview questions and skills assessments authentically and to the best of their abilities.  

  7. Aways end on a positive note- mention at least one (if not more) positive thing(s) you noticed at the end of the interview, even if you know you will not be offering the candidate the job.  The candidate’s experience matters to your employment brand, and parting words leave a lasting impression.


  1. Dress professionally but in your own style- the clothing you choose conveys nonverbal information and is a form of self-expression.  Believe it or not, it helps you be your authentic self as well as be more comfortable and confident during the interview. 

  2. Be prepared but don’t over prepare (trust yourself)- Some of the best interviews I have conducted have been impromptu because the candidate didn’t have time to overthink it!  You should research the company and people you will be meeting.  You should review the job description and think of examples of how you have demonstrated the desired abilities in previous roles.  Just remember, you know yourself better than anyone, and as long as you aren’t trying to be someone you’re not, you will do just fine.  Which brings me to #3…

  3. Be yourself (don’t misrepresent yourself)- It is easy to express your own values, skills, competencies, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, etc., however it is a heavy lift to express what you think the interviewer wants to hear.  I pick up on this right away!  Be honest and convey your own real examples.  If you misrepresent yourself and still manage to get the job, I guarantee it won’t last long.

  4. Adopt the mentality that it would be nice to get the job, but if not, it’s good practice for future opportunities- I find when candidates come in with this mentality they do extremely well because they are more natural and better able to get over their own hang-ups.  It’s no longer an “all or nothing” situation.  There is something else to be gained from the experience, including forming new relationships that could lead to something in the future.  

  5. Actively listen- Try your best to listen to what the interviewer is asking rather than preparing an answer in your head.  I’ve had countless cases of candidates going off into tangents completely unrelated to the question being asked.  I take that to mean they weren’t listening, or they had no idea how to answer the question.  If you don’t know how to answer a question, simply state, “I’m not sure what you are asking.  Would you mind clarifying the question a bit further, so I can do my best to answer it?”

  6. Ask meaningful questions- It shows that you are just as interested in getting to know us as we are getting to know you.  There is nothing worse than a candidate that says they have no questions when given the opportunity to ask.  That in itself tells me that you may not be truly interested in the role, you lack the confidence to ask, or you lack curiosity, which may be a key trait for the role.

  7. Send a timely thank you email- It’s not necessary to send a handwritten thank you, however it is important to send an email.  You should do so within 24 hours and include specific information about the topics you discussed or a connection you made during the interview. Two or three concise paragraphs is all that is needed and be sure to proofread everything!  This is the last impression you’ll likely make before a decision is made.

It is in the best interest of the company and the candidate to be open and honest with one another.  While the candidate should put their best foot forward, what’s more important is being their true self throughout the interview process.  No matter how bad you might want a job, it won’t work out if your values, beliefs, work style and personality don’t align with the values and norms of a particular company. 

Finding culture fit is my specialty.  It’s what creates a thriving, positive and high-performing organization, not just to get the job done but to do so with passion and purpose.  When people experience authentic culture alignment, retention takes care of itself.


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