Acknowledge others’ unseen efforts.
Whether in work or in life, simply saying, “I see you. I know you made a difference,” is one of the greatest positive motivators for which you can’t even begin to quantify the upside.
Savor the good stuff.
To savor is to hold on to the good thoughts, emotions and images that come from a recollection. You can savor your most recent experiences all the way to your earliest memories. When you do this repeatedly, over time, you will build a reel of positive thoughts in your mind that you can pull up at a moment’s notice, which is especially helpful in difficult times.
Pause to infuse joy in the journey.
You’d be surprised how much taking the time to celebrate has a lasting impact. Infuse joy in the journey and people will never forget how it feels to hit pause on the busyness to savor the satisfaction of a job well done.
Sort it out sooner rather than later.
Although it’s difficult, when someone has upset you, having a constructive conversation and closing out the issue with the other person will clear your mind, restore your connection and put your working relationship back on track sooner rather than later.
Build a foundation of trust at work.
As you build more and more trusting relationships within your team, so many good things happen- more energy, more productivity, more joy, more purpose, more retention and more growth. You not only achieve great relationships, you achieve great results and what’s more, you eventually achieve an entire company culture of trust.
Flip the script from victim to victor.
Instead of feeding negative self-talk through your mind like an old movie filmstrip and then wallowing in your own tale of woe, flip the script! View bothersome things as opportunities to change your narrative, own your actions and create a more positive life.
Vibes speak louder than words.
Negativity is contagious, but so is positivity! So, choose your own vibe wisely and make others aware of theirs.